The Lawyers Marco Barbone, registered no. 2.328 of the Bar Association of Benevento, and Bruno Tassone registered no. A30702 of the Bar Association of Roma, are the only owner of the website ( (“Website”) whose sole purpose is to inform the public of the professional activity provided by professionals Barbone and Tassone in the field of IP.
The content of the Website is created in compliance with the Code of Legal Ethics in force.
The Lawyers Marco Barbone has entered the professional liability insurance policy with LLOYD’S n° A8AEB0102B23JFA
The Lawyers Bruno Tasssone has entered the professional liability insurance policy with Generali – R.C. Diversi – n° polizza 252284559.
Reproduction of the contents and the images of the Website, or parts of it, requires the prior written approval of the owner.