The Lawyer Marco Barbone has developed a particular expertise in the field of intellectual property and international agreements in the entertainment industry, thanks to the experience acquired at the Law Firm of Prof. Vittorio M. de Sanctis – one of the most important Attorney in the field of intellectual property law in Italy – and worked in and for the most prestigious national companies of the audiovisual and entertainment field [Fox Channels Italy e Rai Cinema].
Thanks to the experiences mentioned above and to the Clients he has been assisting over the years, the areas of expertise of Mr. Barbone include both the more traditional aspects of intellectual property law, such as copyright, trademark and patent law, and the more innovative aspects of the same, such as image protection, privacy law, as well as new technologies law (e-commerce, internet service provider’s liability, audiovisual rights, electronic communications law, etc.).
Professor on contract of copyright and industrial right at one of the most important European Institutes in the field of design and applied arts, “Italian Academy in fashion, design and photography University Schools in Florence and Rome” ( and at the Luiss Business School in the Master of “Consulente legale d’impresa”
Member of the Italian Copyright Group ALAI (Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale) and the Italian Intellectual Property Group AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle).
Partner of Itsright, one of the main collective management societies, in Italy and abroad, of the compensation for related rights, due for the public diffusion of recorded music, as provided by the copyright law (LDA 633/1941).
Expert in national and international contracts.
Languages: Italian, English
Attorney and professor on contract at the University of Rome, Luiss Guido Carli, where he currently teaches Priciples of Civil Law. He also teaches as “extraordinary” professor of Intellectual Property, Competition and Data Management at Universitas Mercatorum.
Besides having taught copyright law at the University of Teramo, Mr. Tassone was visiting professor at the University of British Columbia di Vancouver.
He published books, essays and opinions about copyright law, intellectual property law, civil law and economic analysis of law.
He has a particular expertise in the areas of intellectual property law, national and international contract law, sports law, antitrust law and civil liability, thanks to the Clients he has been assisting and to the experiences he acquired in leading international law firms[Stadler & Partner( Germania) – Coccia De Angelis & Associati (Roma) e Studio del Prof. Vittorio M. de Sanctis (Roma)]
Expert in national and international contracts.
Languages: Italian, English
Legal Counsel & Risk Manager
PhD Student in Corporate Financial Management and Crisis Prevention
Member of the Socio-Economic Committee of E.N.I.A.
Languages: Inglese – Francese